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Friday 17 December 2010 - -

Geomuggling has been an activity which the treeswingboys have taken part in since finding their first ever cache in the Batchwood wilderness. Since that faithful day many geocaches have been vandalised, destroyed and had unimaginable substances placed inside the caches, awaiting the unfortunate prey.

Here is a full list of Geocaches found and muggled by the Treeswingboys.

Note: You Must be logged in to view archived Geocaches.

Nicky Line 1 - Archived
Nicky Line 2 - Archived
Nicky Line 3 - Archived
Nicky Line 4 - Archived
Nicky Line 5 - Abandoned/Muggled 
Nicky Line 6 - Archived
Nicky Line 7 - Archived
Batchwood Toybox - Archived
Jack & Dexter - Archived
Fishpool Fumble - Archived
Nomans Quest - Archived
Roman Wall - Archived
Bridleway 1 - Active
Tour By Cycle 1 - Archived
Tour By Cycle 2 - Archived
Tour By Cycle 3 - Archived
Tour By Cycle 4 - Archived
Tour By Cycle 5 - Archived
Tour By Cycle 6 - Archived
Tour By Cycle 7 - Archived
Tour By Cycle 8 - Archived
The Whomping Willow - Muggled
Verulamium Park Roman Hypocaust - Muggled
Trickier Toy Box - Muggled

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