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Further Treehouse Development, Muggles and Cookies

Saturday 4 September 2010 - -

The ladder was completed, the rough edges cut off and the upper steps added. It is now easy to ascend to level 2, up a stylish and professional tree ladder. The corner between the 2 walls is almost complete and provides much more protection from gazing muggle eyes.

We ran out of clout nails, so decided to go for lunch. We went to dominos for a sub and cookies. We had high hopes for the cookies, they should be good based on the £3 price tag and tasty looking picture on the menu. While waiting for the dominos we went to wilko's for the clouts, managing to be undetected by Ruhel. Upon returning to dominos we were told that they had forgot to hold the mustard from our new yorkers, tut tut. So nh got a new sub made, we had to wait another 10 mins, but got a free sub out of it :) We walked back to the car, desperate to find out how good the cookies were we opened the small pizza box, then to our disbelief there were 4 of the smallest cookies in the world. They were a rip off for 70p each, no matter how great they tasted, they couldn't compete with subway's 3 for a £1. The cookies did taste pretty good, despite the bad value.

We returned to the treehouse. The corner was further boarded up. Benniboy had to climb outside the house and stand on the balcony area.

While Benniboy was fully exposed on the outer branches, a muggle dog walker and junior treeswinger walked past. The silly question "How did you get up there?" was asked, with the obvious response, "I climbed".

The next muggle was by 2 treeswinger/wilder boys of about age 15. They seemed intimidated by us. Benniboy was still outside the treehouse during this bad muggle. They walked straight past the tree, as thought they were planning to climb it :S  They continued to walked past, making it look as though they didn't care about looking, even though they were obviously fascinated by our skillful building and benniboy's risky outer treehouse position.

Muggle 1
Muggle 2

But, that wasn't it for these muggles, they weren't going to give up so easily. They returned within 10 minutes. We don't know where they went, could have been the treeswings, sapling, deep, ditch, field. All we know is they were acting very suspiciously. They sneakily waited below by a tree next to the treehouse. Then one of them made a move, he came very close to the treehouse, luckily Benniboy had re-entered the house. It seemed as though they really wanted to say something, but they didn't, they just stood around an made the situation awkward. They then retreated, leaving us confused and anxious.We will have to look out for these new muggles, they could become troublesome!

That wasn't it for today's muggles. Later, 2 older women muggles wandered past. They then came over to the house and said they were interested. They asked if we were making a "little den" and if we were going to watch for birds or animals. They started interrogating us and wanted to know where we sourced our materials from. Thankfully they left satisfied with our compelling answers.

Near the end of the wilder working day, nh accidentally knocked the clout nails off the bag holder. They fell to oblivion through the gap between the floor, the newly bought clout nails flew everywhere. We successfully retrieved most of the clouts.

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