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How the Wilderness was Discovered...

Thursday 12 August 2010 - -

It was an eventful summers day and the soon-to-be treeswingboys were undertaking their GCSE examinations. As Benniboy had given up the German language he was not present within the vicinity of Townsend school. Nh, Ali G and Jc kiddo were all up bright and early for their German Listening exams. There was a rather lengthy wait before the exam and no real way to revise for a listening test we decided to get some fresh air and have a walk around New Greens, little did we know what lie ahead for us.

We were very bored and decided to go down to the shops, where Nh bought some chips from the fish and chip shop and then we continued walking around new greens in the direction of the wilderness. We were firing questions at Jc Kiddo to his annoyance, about geography such as housing types. We walked past the wilderness and at the bottom of the wilderness we saw an entrance. Nh suggested that they went in and explored, Ali G liked the idea however Jc Kiddo wasnt as sure. Nh dumped the remainder of his chips in the forest and we began snapping sticks, rather loudly and shouting quite loud. We followed the main path, past the Treehouse (although its unknown if it existed then, we didn't notice it, if it did exist). We then saw the car, which had obviously crashed very recently. Nh got some large sticks and smashed them against the car, Jc Kiddo was very worried and kept telling him to stop.

We continued our journey through the wilderness and to our amazement we saw the original, authentic, thin crust treeswing. We were stunned to say the least. The ditch seemed so big, the rope seemed so professional, it had a surreal feel to it. However it was getting late and we had to be back for our exam and Jc Kiddo was worrying a lot. Nh and Ali G pranked Jc Kiddo by pretending we were lost but Jc Kiddo was clearly distressed. We didn't actually try the treeswing, or even touch it, we just admired it and then walked back out of the wilderness.

It had only been a brief encounter but we knew the wilderness was an enchanting place and we would be back. We returned on the second day of sixth form, having told Benniboy about the wonders of the wilderness however we were unable to find the treeswing on our first return and left feeling rather disappointed. This wouldn't put us off though, as we returned again and managed to find the exact treeswing, still in good condition and thus starting the wilderness adventures.

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