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East Wall Complete and Painted - Floor and Structure Improvements - Sonny - "Unbelievable"

Sunday 12 December 2010 - -

Today we went down to the wilder, to get a good days work done on the treehouse, ready for Ali G's return next week. We both arrived the same time - about 11.50am, there were a lot of cars at the top, as it was football. We entered the wilder with all the tools and paint.

We climbed the treehouse. Benniboy harnessed out and we started the right outer east wall. Benniboy had to saw some of the inner planks off. We then had to nail in all the ends of the inner planks tot e tree , shoving some planked behind to fill the gap. Then we put a structure on top.

We used the second batch of the mega crate. Nh passed a long plank out, Benniboy hammered it in, then sawed it to the right length. We got the planks up to the first fence panel. Then we went to the Co Op. 

We were looking at the deals, the meal deal is £3, a £1 more than Tesco's, plus there were only 2 sandwiches. We walked around the shop, and then Sonny wallked right past us. We he glanced at us. We spent a while looking around, so luckily he had left before we bumped into him again. 

Nh got some chocolate and chicken sticks with a spicy dip. The dip wasn't that spicy and the chocolate wasn's the best tasting, Co Op is going down in the rankings.

We went back to the treehouse. We continuted the east wall completion. Nh painted the last inner pasrts of the east. We added another structure plank. Then completed the wall to the top. 

Nh passed the defrosted paint out. Benniboy carefully placed it on some of the main structure sticks. He then started painting the completed wall. 

Benniboy finished painting the wall in a good time. He climbed back in. We decided to improve a level 2 structure beam. Benniboy also snapped the stick that intrudes the steps area. We took 2 of the structures out, as they were just hanging off the others and were dangerous to stand on. 

We used a long structure to extend a small one. We used one 100 and two 150's. We hammered it in with two 150's, still needs some extra 100's, but we had run out.

We then put a small board in a gap next to the fence wall. We had to put a small structure plank it to support it, Benniboy accidentally hammered the nail and then the plank dropped. He went down and retrieved it, then a dog walker came. He said "unbelievable!" Then asked how long it took to build, Benniboy said about 3 months. He then said "lucky you haven't been warned by a park ranger". Benniboy said yea and we were going to camoflage it more. He said we should be ok, as long as we don't do anything naughty up there.

Benniboy climbed back up and we installed the small floor. We called it a day, about 4pm. We packed up. We did a clean up at the base and put all rubbish in a bag. We dumped the rubbish timber where we used to put the pizza boxes. 

The miata was facing the bin direction so Benniboy took the rubbish bag to the bin, Nh deployed home, followed by Benniboy.

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