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Last Wilder Day - Good Days Treehouse Work - 127 hours

Wednesday 5 January 2011 - -

We agreed to meet at 11.30am, but none of us made it at that time. Benniboy arrived around 11.50, closely followed by Ali G. We phoned Nh and he left then. We deployed to the treehouse.

It was nice and dry up the treehouse. This is the first time Ali G has seen it in daytime, without snow. Benniboy started sawing a protruding plank, then he saw Nh at the base. Ali G was even looking out and missed him.

We decided to do some work on the level 1 floor. We got some structure planks. Benniboy went below the treehouse and attached himself to the rope, while Ali G belayed it. We couldn't find the club hammer in the bag, hopefully it had just fell in the boot.

Benniboy used the claw hammer to nail in a structure that wasn't in fully. The claw was quite good as it was precise and light. Next we put a large structure plank across from the north to the centre trunk. This would support the north side floor. While doing this Benniboy stood on the wrong side of the little climbing plank, it then snapped in half, leaving it still sturdy and usable, but it could be dangerous.

Benniboy climbed back up. We got a board and placed it on the north gaps. We marked it with a pen and sawed off the excess. We fitted it and it needed a bit more trimming. Nh took over the sawing, while Benniboy went down to the base and collected all the fallen timber.

Ali G and Nh successfully installed the new flooring, while Benniboy brought up the timber in a flag. Ali G made some furth adjustments to make it more level. Benniboy climbed outside the north west corner. He marked where the planks needed cutting, then Nh and Ali G cut them to order.

This allowed Benniboy to quickly added planks to the wall. We had it up to the same level as the centre north wall in a very speedy time.

Benniboy came back in. We put all the timber from the base on level 2. We used a short structure plank to support the snapped climbing plank. We used triangle formation to make it strong.

We deployed back to the cars, it had just started raining. It was 2.45pm. We sat in the miata and discussed what to do. Nh decided to go home before the school traffic. The other 2 treeswingers went to the Co Op.

Bennboy got a meal deal and Ali G topped up his Orange phone. We went back to the car park, backed the car into the space. It was 3.10pm, we ate our lunch, and waited for the car park to fill and the junior treeswingers to come out.

By the time it was 3.30pm the car park was at full capacity. About 2 of the cars next to us were dog walkers, all the rest were mums picking up junior treeswingers. Some cars had to just wait in the middle, as there were no more spaces. It was funny that we were sat in a 2 seater car, and so couldn't be picking anyone up and weren't walking a dog.

By the time it was 3.40pm, mos of the cars had gone. We saw James Willis' brothers. There was some skillful driving as people left the car park. One time a car came in, while another wanted to come out, they got stuck and then a load more went to drive out. The car moved over and they got 2 cars through the entrance. We even saw what looked like Zak and Martin, entering Martin's street.

We then deployed to the middle space. It was still wet. We decided to go back to the treehouse and test the bong. It was quite dark. We ascended the treehouse. Benniboy went on level 2 and used the planks to cover up the gaps in the roof. Ali G made a seat out of the fence plank we had taken down.

We put the cirlce light up. Then we filled the bong with water. Put some smelly weed in the end, only a pinch. Benniboy went first, he sucked up a lot of smoke. Then blew out a load and coughed a bit.

Ali G had a go. We started to feel it. We put another fresh bit in. Ali G went first and had a good hit. We sat on the bench and talked about wilder history.

Ali G came up with the ingenious idea of bunk beds, or hammocks. As the roof is so high on level one, while level 2 is under construction we could have a 3 bedded bunk bed. This would be warmer and we could have matresses on each bunk. We could then have a tv or laptop in the south area.

After a few scares from hearing voices and noises. We decided to go back to the car, it was quite warm up the treehouse, but we had been up there for about 1.30 hours. We carefully climbed down the slippery tree.

Back at the car we played music and decided to go back to the car park, as to not disturb the houses. We parked in the same place, but facing the field. We could see some small lights in the distance, near the watch tower. There were some cars in the car park. They were for junior treeswingers that were either in detention or a club.

The cars left and a dog walker came. He had a profesional headlight, it was really bright. He walked his dog all over the field. Then he left. A treeswinger car then came and stopped in the middle of the car park. The driver got something out of the boot and then they turned round and pointed the headlights at us. They sped off in a treeswinger style.

We decided to wait till the 9pmn film to completely sober up. We listened to music at full volume. We saw many treeswingers walking along the path. It was 8.10m, we deployed to the cinema.

We a Mcdonald's. Went to Tesco and Ali G got some hair dye. We deployed to the cinema, we saw Ryan Delph at the ticket checking area. We got the tickets for £5.50. We talked to Ryan and then went in screen 3. It was an average size cinema and quite full.

We saw 127 hours. It was about a guy that get a rock stuck on his arm, in the middle of nowhere, he has to break his arm off to get out. We rated it 7/10.

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