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Treeswungers ambush Treehouse - Rain

Sunday 27 February 2011 - -

We went to the wilder at 11.40am. It was a nice day. We carried on the east wall. There were a lot of muggles today, as it was good weather for a change.

There were some sixth formers coming up from the south, we were on level 2. They must have seen us. One said they had never noticed the treehouse before. Luckily a dog walker came and distracted them. We were able to carry on after a few minutes.

Then we saw the treeswingers come. They were hanging around close to the treehouse, seemed as though they hadn't seen us. They were trying to dig up a tree. They then came over to the treehouse.

They started climbing it, still unaware were were up the top. They were half way up, they looked up and saw us. They were struggling to get up, we helped them out.

Finally 2 of them were up. One looke about 14/15, the other around 12/13. There was a younger one down the bottom, who was too small to get up. The old one and the younger had irish accents, and wore the traveller type clothes. They seemed to be brothers. The middle one looked like he was a friend.

They came up to level 2. The older one was impressed. They were amazed at how professional it was.

Nh looked out and saw a guy in a flourscent jacket, on the main path. He suggested we be quiet and deny ownership of the treehouse. Was it a park ranger?

They came over and there was an older dog walker with the guy. The guy looked quite young and maybe was a builder. In the end they just walked past and ignored us. They kid down the bottom was shouting and there was 4 of use up the top, this may have made them keep there distance.

The treeswingers claimed that there was another treehouse in the wilder. They said it was over by the treeswings, and was high and had no walls. They said there were steps up the tree, it was hard to climb and there was a rope bit to swing across on. They were defintely referring to the sapling castle. They then went on to explain the middle one and their cousin had made it. We knew this was a blatant lie, as we were the sole creaters of the sapling. They said there was porn and whiskey hidden up it too.

The treeswinger left. We carried on the east wall, and added longer planks to the south. It started raining. We decided to go and check the Sapling. Benniboy climbed it and it all looked the same as we left it, noting hidden.

We deployed home as it was wet and cold.

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