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Trickie cache found and muggled

Tuesday 17 January 2012 - -

After the decoding of the trickie cache it was time to find it. Benniboy had downloaded the official geocache app for his phone, this allowed us to be taken right up to the cache location using gps. We tapped in the coordinates and followed the compass. We knew it was somewhere in the middle of the wilder near the treeswings.

We walked around the back of the treeswings, then the compass said 50m west. We followed it as the distance decreased to 45m, 32m, 19m, 5m. It was accurate within 3m. The clue was that it was in a place where lightning shouldn't strike twice. The location was right at the tip of a tree that had been struck by lightning. 

It was pitch black, we used the torch and phone light to look for the cache. We spent 10 minutes searching in every hole and under every log. We tried looking in the trunk. We were close to giving up till daytime. Then Nh exclaimed "Found it". It was a few metres out from the gps location, shoved under the tree base, with some logs on it. 

We deployed back to the car. On the way back we saw a bright torch on the field. It was the dog walker that had knocked on Nh's car window to see if he was okay, after a laughing gas session. We must have looked suspicious coming out of the dark wilder in the freezing cold.

We got back to the car and opened the box. There wasn't anything good, it had all been taken. There was just the log book and some rubbish toys. We decided to put in 9 empty chargers and some papa's garlic. The only thing was we didn't have any empty chargers, so Nh would have to do 9 more. 

Benniboy dispensed them into the balloon, while nh inhaled them. We went through all 9 in no time, one was wasted due to Nh being too high to capably hold the balloon and another being laughed out. We opened the garlic and it came out in two blobs, it must have frozen in the car. We then placed the chargers on top neatly.

We put the toys back in. Nh framed the Black Rabbit in the log book and placed it on top of the toys. We sealed it up and took it back to the hiding location. 

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