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New Papa, Girls head & Sapling work

Friday 22 February 2013 - -

Nh & Benniboy agreed to meet at 12.30. We quickly scouted the wilderness and checked on the treeswing/sapling to check all was in order. Afterwards we went to the recycling centre to get a boot full of boards and planks. On route we picked up the new papa johns Buffalo Pizza and a papa's favourite.

We ate the pizza and quite liked the Buffalo chicken, although agreed that it wasn't close to the high standards of the Fiamma. 

Afterwards we put up the end structure plank for the balcony.

We then went to get a final diagonal structure plank which would be the final structure plank needed for the balcony. We also deposited most of the planks we had got from the recycling centre. We got our shock when we saw a hole which had previously been hidden by a wooden structure and Nh spotted something red inside and investigated.

It was a doll's head covered in blood, a very clever prank played on us by someone, Benniboy was especially freaked out when he turned it over and saw the eyes and the rest of the face. We got some pictures of us holding up the doll's head.

Afterwards we moved the head so it wouldn't get taken and proceeded to add the third and final diagonal plank to the balcony. We also started sawing planks to cover up the structure planks but ran out of nails so we called it a day.

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