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Operation: Crate

Thursday 30 September 2010 - -

Today the Treeswingboys had one thing and one thing only on their mind and that was how they were going to get the large crate from the small park street wilderness to batchwood wilderness, in good condition. We met quite late but Benniboy was well equipped and we managed to park very close to the wilderness and emerged in without anyone noticing. We moved the crate in deeper so nobody could see us or the crate and began clawing the planks. This wasn't effective and the planks were beginning to snap, so we decided to use the club hammer to break the large thick blocks holding the crate together. These weren't as strong as they appeared and allowed us to easily dismantle it. Once they were all out it was simply a matter of clawing out each individual plank and then hitting any rusty nails they had into them, so they wouldnt damage the car when transported.

By the time the crate was dismantled and all the planks were ready it was very dark, so we wrapped up the planks in 2 England flags and both carried a bundle of planks. Benniboy got the car and drove it up near the enterance whilst Nh waited inside at the enterance and then transported the planks into Benniboy's boot, this was a quick stealthy tatic and worked effectively, once Nh had delivered both bundles we made a quick deploy, for batchwood wilderness.

It was pitch black by the time we'd reached batchwood wilderness and we knew that it wasn't an easy task, with the only light sources, Nh's Mobile phone and Benniboy's Cell phone. Benniboy constantly complained about the dark, but with our excellent wilderness knowledge we followed the main paths and knew the exact location of the treehouse, despite the darkness. Once there we heard some noises but continued anyway, Nh climbed the treehouse first and waited for benniboy to bring up the planks. Benniboy was about half way up when he randomly screamed, had someone actually been there it would have been extremely embarrassing and humiliating. Despite Benniboy's huge fear of the dark, Nh insisted that we put up the planks benniboy had carried up with him, which was 4 strong planks. We put them on the new wall which we have been gradually working on. Although before it only had 1 strong plank holding the trees together. We wanted the protection from the rear and this would help provide such cover, so we positioned the planks and Benniboy hammered them in. Nh shone his phone and held the planks as Benniboy did this. Once all 4 planks were up we decided to call it a night and gathered our stuff and climbed down. It was so dark we couldnt see the steps without the aid of benniboy's cell phone so we took it in turns to shine the light as we climbed down.

Once we had descended down the tree we found suitable hiding places for the remaining planks. We hid them quite near the golf course and close enough to the treehouse for the next time we come back. We were satisfied with the work done in a short amount of time.

Nh also discovered Benniboy's biggest fear, despite being a BTEC treeclimber, a GCSE food taste tester (garlic sauce specalist), an extreme treewswinger, owner of the fastest treeswing car...

He is not afraid of any of those, but he is infact extremely scared of the dark, and continuously lets his imagination run wild, with referances to the movie Orphan. This has been discovered to be Benniboys biggest flaw and weakness.

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