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Treeswingboys influenced to steal for the good of the Wilderness

Wednesday 29 September 2010 - -

Today was orange Wednesday, so Nh and Benniboy met after their uni studies and work. It was raining and therefore would be wet in the wilder, so we decided to go straight to the cinema. We quickly grabbed two cheeseburgers, then deployed to the cinema. Would Ryan Delphisaurus be there?

Sadly Ryan wasn't in the vicinity, it was one of the usuals, but luckily not the ginger one. We saw "The Town". We both rated it 8/10. It was a movie about a group of guys robbing banks and the money vans, this influenced and motivated the treeswingboys to go ahead with the steal crate operation.

We drove back to park street, it was dark and raining, perfect for decreasing the amount of muggles prowling the streets. We staked out the area, we checked that the house had no clear views from any of the windows, most of the lights were on. We parked further down the road, next to the forest, where we would hide the timber. Nh was all in black, while Benniboy had a bright grey hoodie on. We walked on the path across from house, we scouted out the possible muggle points. The target house had a bright spotlight on the outside, lighting up the whole front garden, luckily there was a big tree in front of the crates. We then turned around at the end of the road. Nh went ahead to check for cars. Benniboy walked slowly along the path, he then pulled the crates closer to the path, while doing this the spotlight went off. This startled Benniboy and he ran, we went back to the street near the forest, then decided to try again.

Now that the light was out it would be a lot safer. Benniboy thought about the film and then went for it. The crate was quite heavy, we ran back towards the forest. It couldn't have gone better. We entered the dark forest and hid the crate. We then had to make our escape, we went around the back of the forest and came out by the park street roundabout. We walked past the BP station and back through an alley way. There were some planks in the alley, which we could collect some time. We came out back at the car. Our operation was successful.

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