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Parting Ways

Friday 24 September 2010 - -

Today was the final day left with the trilogy of Treeswingboys before a lengthy break of until Christmas, and the tournament was still on the agenda. Benniboy picked Nh up for a fee of £2 and despite being late we arrived at the wilderness ready to give everything we had in order to win the tournament.

We began by finishing off the field football, the match continued from yesterday, Ali G was 1-0 up and managed to take full advantage of his lead and win 3-1, thus consigning benniboy to defeat in field football and leaving him with only a single point. This meant that the winner of Nh Vs Ali G would win the field football and claim all 3 points. Both of us wanted to win and this showed with a lot of great attacking football and skillful play by both players. Ali G took an early lead but Nh recovered and managed to turn it around and win 3-1.

The standings were:

Nh - 3 Points
Ali G - 2 Points
Benniboy - 1 Point

Wilderball was next on the tournament agenda and Benniboy knew he couldnt lose this or it would be all but over for him and once again he would be drinking garlic sauce. The first match was between Nh and Ali G and once again Ali G took an early lead, due to some shocking goal keeping by Benniboy, but we insisted he wore goalkeepers gloves and his performance improved. Nh managed to turn it around again and win 3-1 again, putting him in a very nice position. It also meant Ali G had to face Benniboy next and it would be his 4th game in a row, but it didnt show as he completely dominated the game, having about 10 good efforts to benniboy's 1 or 2 shots. However Ali G struggled to score and only managed to put himself 1-0 up before Benniboy began playing well and he equalised making it 1-1. Ali G replied by scoring a goal immediately after and then Benniboy handballed it giving Ali G a penalty, Ali G missed the penalty but scored the follow up with a very nice volley.

This meant the final match could decide Benniboy's fate and consign him to another overall defeat and leave him on a measly 2 points. For the start of the game Benniboy looked discouraged and consigned to oblivion, as he had a huge task ahead, needing to win 3-0 to win the catagory, or 3-1 to draw it. Nh ended any chance of Benniboy winning the catagory by scoring to make it 1-0 before Benniboy equalised making it 1-1. After a lot of good shots and good play from both sides, Nh destroyed any chance of Benniboy drawing and crushed Benniboy with the all important second goal making it 2-1 and automatically winning on goal difference. We continued playing after and Benniboy scored a powerful shot through Ali G's legs and a goal mouth scramble to win the game but lost the catagory. The points score was as followed:

Nh - 6 Points
Ali G - 4 Points
Benniboy - 2 Points

This meant that for Benniboy to stand any chance of not finishing last he had to win the volleyball catagory, which was possible although unlikely. We were running short of time so we agreed for Ali g to face Benniboy in an epic finale. The game was first to 15 points and was evident that neither side wanted to lose. Benniboy took an early lead but Ali G turned it around and managed to keep a 3 point lead up until 14-11 before Benniboy made a brilliant recovory and brought it back to 14-14, with Ali G serving for the final point. Ali G hit the crossbar and Benniboy cheered but somehow Ali G managed to get the shot and hit it back over catching Benniboy off guard and defeated him 15-14.

Since Benniboy could no longer win volleyball he drank the dominos garlic much to his dislike and we agreed to have a last supper at papa Johns. To convince Benniboy to go we dropped his papa johns garlic forfeit and got an all the meats and a BBQ pizza for £12. We ate the pizzas on the field next to the car park and Ali G managed to eat 7 slices, thus equaling the record previously set by Nh. We also saw a light in the wilderness so Nh shouted "TREESWINGER" very loud and afterwards we realised it was a person walking a dog with a flashing collar. Benniboy got rid of the pizza boxes and we deployed home, whilst benniboy headed for his Uni.

Here are a few proverbs relavant to today.

May the road rise up to meet you, may the wind be ever at your back.  May the sun shine warm upon your face and the rain fall softly on your fields.  And until we meet again, may God hold you in the hollow of his hand.

We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children.

In war, all suffer defeat, even the victors

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