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Tree Almost up a Tree

Friday 10 September 2010 - -

Today was a late wilder day. We had left the rope up the saplin and needed to retrieve it before the weekend, in case any treeswingers stole it. Plus we had left the tree just lying against the sapling, so could get knocked down.

We decided to go ahead and raise the tree into the saplin. Benniboy thought it was possible, Ali G wasn't sure and nh thought it wasn't possible. With the 3 musketeers we would have a better chance of being able to complete this hard task.

Benniboy had just refilled the lighter and so was able to make another crane position. Benniboy went to the crane branch and sat on it. Nh stayed at the saplin base, ready to push the heavy tree up. Ali G stood on level 3, with the belay attached to the rope. We worked as a team and managed to get the tree off the ground to about head height. But, then nh could no longer push it up as it got too high. Benniboy climbed down and tied the bottom of the tree with blue rope, then tied it up to a nearby tree. This would reduce some of the weight.

Benniboy then pulled from above the crane. With every pull burning his hands, depleting his energy and fatiguing his arms. After a few adjustments we eventually got the tree to the level we wanted. We tied it up and left it for another wilder day. By this time it was very dark in the wilder. We had to use Ali G's phone light so we could evacuate from the pitch black wilderness.

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