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Tree up a Tree

Thursday 9 September 2010 - -

After yesterdays poo incident, Ali G wanted to make sure all the bacteria was removed from the tree. Benniboy brought some Cif to kill the poo smell.
We had left the climbing rope overnight, luckily it was still there upon our return. To retrieve the rope, we needed some more planks to climb - this would expand our treehouse climbing area. Benniboy edged his way along a string stick towards the rope on the end of the positioned tree. He hammered in 2 planks. Then using the new planks he managed to just reach the knot and untie it.

We then attached the rope on the middle of the tree, Ali G held it taut with the belay device. Benniboy released the orange rope hold the tree up. He then shoved it across further into the "Y" branches, allowing the other end to be slotted into the opposite "Y" position. The tree fitted snug. 

Next, we were going to attempt the bonus mission - getting the heavy tree up the saplin. This would be the most advanced maneuver for the treeswingers yet. Benniboy used the new blue rope to created a quickdraw attachment on a branch above the level one planks, it made a perfect crane. Benniboy quickly climbed down and tied the rope to the end of the tree, then climbed back up. Both treeswingers worked to pull up the heavy tree. Benniboy hoisted it up, while Ali G held it with the belay device.

Benniboy had to climb down and adjust the trees base position a few times, to make lifting it at an easier angle. During one of these sessions, Benniboy was muggled by the old lady with 2 dogs. He said "Hi" but she didn't respond. She seemed embarrassed. As usual one of the canines wouldn't move along without sniffin every spot around the sapling. The muggle anxiously tried to call the dog away. As Benniboy shoved the trees base along, the silly dog went under the heavy leaning tree. Eventually the dog returned to the muggle.

Half up the vertical ascent the tree got stuck under another trees branches. Benniboy had to climb down and then climb the annoying tree stopping the heavy trees ascent. He managed to move the branches out of the way. After this, we were able to get the tree up vertically and resting against the sapling.

Nh was still having car trouble.

Ali G agreed to pick nh up under certain terms. He had to pay his shareof the blue rope and pay petrol money. Nh accepted the £5 deal.

We arrived back at the wilder an hour later - traffic. We then played a friendly match of wembly football. Benniboy won.

Then we exited the wilder. We were muggled by 3 cyclists, during this muggle we saw the worst muggles ever, smoking weed as usual. The cyclists were a good decoy. We then went out the top entrance and had to walk past 2 smokers - one called pink shirt.

We did a stake out in the car, waiting in the top parking space. Many muggles were out tonight. We waited from 7pm till 8pm. During this time, there were a whole team of footballers on the field. The cyclists went past. A number of joggers jogged by. Zac/ zac lookalike and dog walked out of Martin's road and towards shops. A treeswinger walked past. Pink shirt went in and out of wilder. Sonny drove past twice on his mo-bike. Then all the footballers left, speeding past in there cars.

Once the coast was clear, we went to the volleyball goal post. It was dark, which added challenge to the game. It was 1 out of 3 to nh and Ali G. Benniboy lost 20-18, it was a close game. Benniboy will have to do his forfeits.

We went to see Scott Pilgrim Vs the World. It was fully enjoyed by the treeswingers. Gaining a spot in the top 5 films of 2010.

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