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No Way, a Crate Dude!

Monday 11 October 2010 - -

Benniboy and Nh met early today, at around 4.30pm. We headed towards the wilderness, ready to collect the crate that was dispatched only 13 hours ago. We walked in the bottom entrance, we were anxious to see if the crate was still there.

No way dude, that's insane - there it was resting behind a tree, and still half wrapped up. We carried it over to the treehouse. Then took it a little deeper, so muggles wouldn't see us, disassembling it. We decided to claw the planks off. We found it hard at first and it took a while, but we perservered and managed to work out a technique. We hammered the claw into the planks, then wiggled it a bit, then hammered more - until the claw was about half way behind the plank, then we wrenched the plank out. We did this for the 2 middle attachments and one of the ends, then we hammered it out and bent the attached end off. We took turns removing planks, most came off without splitting, but we had to repair one, by hammering two 65mls vertically into it.

Once we had removed most of the planks, except two, we were able to hammer the big planks off. We then had to remove all the remaining nails. We hammered them on the opposite side, then clawed them out. The thicker planks had nails ready for clawing, Benniboy held them, while Nh clawed them out. We then piled the planks up, we had 14 fence planks and 4 structure planks. We then tied them up in two batched with england flags.

We then ascended them up the treehouse. We set to work. We added most of them to the right side of the steps, and some to the two walls on the left. We didn't have any 100mm nails for the thicker planks and we hadn't thought of where to put them anyway. It was dark by the time we finished. We stored the thick planks on level 2. Then descended and exited the wilderness.

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