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Benniboy's Mission

Monday 11 October 2010 - -

Video Log:

Benniboy left his home at 2.38am. Arrived at 2.50am and started walking towards crate. He didn't hesitate, just took a quick look around before getting to the crate. Then walked straight up to it and grabbed it. A truck had just drove past, before he crossed the road. He quickly took it into the dark batchwood entrance. Then saw a milk cart drive past. He carried the crate on his back through the golf course. He entered the even darker wilderness, then placed the crate by the fence and behind a tree. He then deployed back to the car, staying within the golf course to be as stealthy as possible. He exited right at the road where the Miata was parked. He drove back up the hill and past the shops. Instead of driving back the way he came, to completely cover his tracks. As he was coming to the junction, there was a police car waiting, it then moved out of the way and Benniboy casually drove on and went back the Harpenden way. He returned home at 3.30am. Mission complete. 

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