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Nobody Expects to get Two U's

Saturday 30 October 2010 - -

The treeswingers had 3 choices of crates to retrieve - park street ask permission crate, park street roundabout skip crate or the half stolen crate. We decided to go for the half stolen crate. We looked on google maps and worked out where the path went, we found a wilder for dismantling the crate. The path then continued to a small road. The only hard part would be getting the crate from the hiding spot to the little wilder, as the path is lit up.

We parked in Highfield Road, it was a quiet, dead end road. Had a house on one side that looked empty and a bush on the other side. We enter the path and found a good place to take the crate for dismantle. We walked to the crate, seen  no one so far. We found it and Nh looked out, while Benniboy retrieved it. Nh quickly ran ahead and looked out. Benniboy followed and awaited Nh's thumbs up. We swapped half way. We made it to the wilder path, without seeing anyone. So far it was a perfect operation.

We swapped again and walked down the dark wilder path. We entered the small wilder. We got out the tools and set to work. There were only 3 planks on one side. They came off extremely easy, the wood was good quality. We then laid it down and clubbed the 3 thick planks off, the middle plank was particularly hard, but we did it eventually. We hammered all sticking out nails in. We had to hide 2 of the thick planks, as they were too long.

We had 2 England flags. We laid them down and put 2 batches of planks in, tied each end tight. The 2 batches looked very professional and were easy to carry. We deployed towards the car.

We got to the car, and realised we hadn;t emptied the boot. We quickly took the footballs and bags out. We then effortlessly put the 2 batches in. We drove off to the wilder. We had completed the operation in about 30 minutes, record time and stealth.

We arrived at the wilder, took the bag and saw, then each carried a batch in. We walked to the treehouse and quickly ascended the 2 batches. We sawed some of the steps and a bump in the tree. We then opened up the flags to start nailing in the fresh timber.

We placed the planks on the south wall and then worked out how much we needed to saw off. We the rested the planks between 2 nails from a previous stick. We sawed it most of the way, then snapped it. We continued this method, until we had a substantial amount of wall, about 10 planks worth. We are now a lot better camoflaged from muggles.

Nh had to get back by 9 for a Halloween party, so we put remaining timber on level 2 and deployed out of the wilder.

On the way to the wilder, Nh saw 2 crates that were perfect for getting into the wilder quickly. We walked over to the house and saw that it was possible to get one. Benniboy grabbed one, while Nh looked out. We walked fast and then Nh said dropped the crate, as a car was coming. Benniboy took a while, and rested it under a light and a bit on someones drive. We then hid in the wilder. Then car stayed there for a few minutes.

We saw some treeswingers walking down the target road, while we were waiting in the wilder. The car left, we walked back, Benniboy was just about to pick it up and then another car came. It stopped just very close to the crate. It seemed they might live in the house the crate was in front of. We aborted the mission.

Nh said this meant Benniboy had recieved 2 U's in a day. But, overall we were successful, we had done what we planned to do, couldn't have gone any better. We both depoyed home.

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