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Potential Treeswingboys/girls Crews - New and Old

Sunday 24 October 2010 - -

Believe it or not the famous Treeswingers clan of Nh, Benniboy and Ali G was not the first group of Treeswingers and certainly wasn't the last either. The earliest known Treeswinger was the Wilderness Witch, who told us she used to come down to the wilderness during her school lunch/break times. It is believed that she was a solo Treeswinggirl and didn't require the aid of anyone else, however there is little evidence of what she did during her time as a Treeswinger. It is possible though that she created the structure in the deep wilderness, which has now been dismantled by Nh, Benniboy and Ali g.

The next earliest Treeswingers group known to us is Zak's crew, however only 2 members are identified, to whom are Zak Abbott and Toby. Zak has become a wilderness legend by creating the platform for the Treehouse and his and Toby's names used to be written in chalk on a tree next to the original Treeswing, so it's more than possible that Zak also created the legendary Treeswing.

Next we have another 2 person crew under the names of Danaka and Layla, little is known about their presence inside the wilderness, but they did once muggle us inside the wilderness. They used lighters to burn down the Treeswing rope which we had used to nail the wheelbarrow into a tree. They then proceeded to leave a threatening message adressed to Ali G. When we encountered them they also used Benniboy's and Ali G's real names whilst they either didn't see Nh or didn't know his name.

Other potential Treeswing crews include Ali G's friend Ian as they suprised us with a visit and challenged us to a game of wilderball, on a couple of occasions. Although it's unlikely to see Ian's crew embrace the wilderness again, although possible as he is in year 13 now. Paul Berry and 2 of his other friends are also candidates for a potential treeswingers crew, however minimal details are known about their wilderness experience. All we know is that they are aware of the presence of the treehouse.

Finally the other major group of Treeswingers is Sonny Mcgrath's infamous crew, however although we known they hang around the wilderness a lot they've only been spotted inside the wilderness once. However these are often seen as the main rivals to us and it's likely that at some point Benniboy and Sonny will have a fight, for wilderness dominance.

Other special mention goes to a pair of treeswingboys, aged around 15 and believed to be the vandels of the Treehouse. It's believed that they destroyed planks and ripped up some of the floor. These were only seen once walking past and sitting down outside the treeshouse.

We do not know what the future holds for future generations of Treeswingboys/girls but we can only hope that more dedicated Treeswingers venture into the wilderness and help our cause. As highly experienced Treeswingers ourselves we will continue to offer our aid and support to potential and future treeswingers.

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