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First Crate we have Permission to Take - Some Fine Timber

Friday 15 October 2010 - -

Today we had no timber supplies, there was nothing we coud do to progress the tree house. Unless we bought some long nails, paint or just finished the stick wall. Luckily we checked some crates in park street. We stopped out side a house near the Wreck, their lights were on. So Benniboy went and knocked on the door. They took a while to answer, but it was obvious they were in, because you could see them through the front window. A guy of about 35 years answered, he was austistic. Benniboy asked it he could take the crate, the guy had to go ask someone else, he came back and said it was okay. So Benniboy carried it back to the car, Nh was delighted.

We then had to carry it along the path next to the busy road and under the bridge, while crossing a road a car stopped to let us past, quite embarrassing. We then entered the park, luckily no one playing football or in the playground. We quickly walked along, the path, with each step it was getting heavier. We went up the hill into the little wilder. Then we laid in down, then deployed back to the car. We parked it in the car park behind the wreck, reverse parked so we could easily got the planks in the boot stealthily.

We used the claw and hammer technique on the crate. It was really loud and echoed, the people at the club must have heard it. We eventually got all the planks off one side, then we're able to club the thick planks off the rest, in speedy succession. We hammered all the protruding nails in, then snapped the planks in half and some in 3 parts. We made 2 batches and carried them to the Miata. We emptied the boot and then started filling it up with planks. It was almost full to the top. We then deployed.

Benniboy was very hungry so we stopped off at Mcdonald's. Leaving the car in the car park, with a boot full of fresh planks. Benniboy got the Deli of the Day, chicken and bacon. We then went to subway, nh got turkey and ham, Benniboy got 3 cookies. We ate our food and then set out to the wilder, to complete our mission.

It was dark now and perfect for transporting planks into the wilder. It was nice and quiet on the road, so we went for it. Nh needed the toilet, so Benniboy moved the planks into the wilder alone. A treeswinger cycled past, on Benniboy's last collection, luckily he could fix the bag strap during this encounter. He then quickly took the last batch in. We carried the planks to the treehouse, taking a break at wembley. Benniboy tied them up with new flags and Nh climbed up with a headlight. Benniboy climbed up and some of the planks fell oujt of the 1st batch, the 2nd batch was fine, he then collected the fallen planks.

We untied the batches and set to work. We started on the right wall. It is almost complete now. We then added to the left and further left walls. The gaps are filling up. We used all the planks, except the thick ones, which will be kept for structure use. We seem to be getting used to working in the dark now, good as there are no muggles about, or at least that we arfe aware of..

We called it a day, as it was raining and getting slippery. We declined from the treehouse and admired our work. We then deployed home.

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