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Cars packed to Full Capacity with Timber - Stick Wall Replaced - Treeswingers Arrested!

Saturday 20 November 2010 - -

The treeswingers were aiming to be at Martin's at 11.30am. Benniboy tried calling Martin, but he didn't pick up. then while Benniboy was on the dual carriage way, Martin called. Benniboy quickly stopped on the hard shoulder and asked if it was ok for us to collect some more timber, Martin replied - "Help yourself, I appreciate you calling."

Benniboy stopped in Nh's street and phoned Nh, he told him the good news, Nh was in Martin's vicinity. Benniboy met Nh 5 mins later, we parked at Martin's at about 11.45. We got the tools and set to work. The pile of crate pallets was still quite high.

We dismantled about 5 in quick succession. We were only going to take the normal planks and leave the heavy structure planks. We wrapped the planks in flags. We put 2 batches in the miata.

About 5 crates worth of normal planks

We then found some nice boards, they were the same type as the 3 we stole from a local skip. Some of them were nailed to a big beam structure. We clubbed it and it eventually came off. We could then separate the boards into smaller parts. We placed about 5 in the miata, the boot was now up to full capacity with timber, the suspension was low.

Next we got some more crates, had to lift a big one up to get to the one sided ones. We dismantled another 5, wrapped and place in the fiesta, in a batch of 3. There were a lot of structure planks left, if we had taken them we would have had to take less normal planks. We can always collect them at another time.

We got some more boards from the skip, and had to smack the beams off. We placed the board in the fiesta on the back seats floor, this held in the plank batches. We then headed to Radlet Tesco's. We parked in the car park and got the free 1 hour ticket. We went to the little Tesco, there were no cookie mixtures to the seen. We got a meal deal for £2 - a sandwich, crisps and drink. Nh also got some cheap matltesers for £1.

We ate in the Fiesta and then deployed to the wilder. On the way up the hill to the wilder, we saw a police car and a load of treeswingers. Looked like there was a fight or something. We parked in the middle. Then got 2 batches out of the Fiesta, plus some boards. We took them up the treehouse, then went to collect more.

We kept hearing police sirens, and were worried if it was safe to continue wilder activities. We might be heard hammering by the police. We quickly drive the miata around the block and the police and treeswingers were all gone. Wilder activities could continue.

We got the bags and while getting some boards out of the miata, a guy drove back to the house we were parked outside. He looked like he wanted to say something, we can no longer park here. We only took, the boards, as we didn't want to hang around. We took them to the treehouse and started work.

Benniboy harnessed on the south side. We finished the lower left side of the steps, also added a small structure plank. Then Benniboy climbed down the north wall. We started the double wall. It fit nicely and will defnitely add more heat, sound, rain, gap protection. We started the right side of the north wall too, just a couple of planks.

Next we destroyed the stick wall. It was really open and dangerous. We left one of the original sticks for safety. We got a fallen fence plank, form level 2. It was just long enough to fit horizontally. We hammered it in. Then we got a structure plank and hammered this to it vertically. After about one hit, the fence plank, fell off, and we nearly fell off too. The fence planks was to soft and the edges were falling apart.

We replaced it with a longer fence. This one was strong and would be a good start fo the wall strucure. We then added 3 structure planks vertically, going from the fence to the florr strucure. We used triangle formation and then added one more nail on the inside. This made the structure very strong and rigid.

We got another long fence plank and placed it at about head level. We added another 3 structure planks form the first fence to the 2nd. The wall structure is 2/3 complete. We will added normal planks on it soon. This will then complete the east walls.

It was dark now. So we went back to the cars, to get the rest of the timber. When we go there the family was at the door, we couldn't get the timber, as they would see, and they were already suspicious. We drove the fiesta around and parked it at the bottom, but then there were some guys getting stuff out of there boot. The house had a bright light shining too. We had to park at the bottom, before the corner.

We got the final batch and boards from the fiesta and walked across the field and in to the wilder. We put them up the treehouse. We did move the miata next to the fiesta. Then the big dog walker was on the field and a car was in a nearby drive. We waited a little bit, then were able to dash across the field and into the wilder. We got all the timber up and on level 1, ready for use on Sunday. That was the end of a good wilder day.

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