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Double Glazing Installed on North - South pretty much complete

Sunday 21 November 2010 - -

It was an early start for the treeswingers today, we were aiming for 9am. Nh got there about 9.15, Benniboy about 9.35. As it was Sunfay, there was a football match on, with many cars parked up.

We only hasd to take the tools and harness in, all the timber was ready for us in the treehouse. Here are some pics of yesterdays work:

1/4 of double wall
East wall structure

We ascended. Benniboy put on the harness and descended down the south. Nh sawed a bump in the way f the lower south wall. We got the bump off, leaving a smooth, flat surface, ready for planks. We started adding the last few lower planks. Nh nailed in the inside end and then Benniboy hammered in the outer end. A threesome of muggles came from the south, they complemented the treehouse - "That's very good."

We took a fence plank that wasn't essential off the fence wall. Then nailed it high up on the stick wall. We then sawed some structure planks and fixed them to the fence. It is almost complete, just needs a bit more on the top. It's the final wall is ready for planks.

Benniboy absailed down the north wall. We then found a new batch of the same planks we used for the first quarter. We got these hammered in very sufficiently. Benniboy couldn't reach any higher, so we added some more planks to the right corner. Then Benniboy raised himself and completed the main north outer wall.

Benniboy had to go and take his bro to the opticians. So we ended the wilder activities there.

Double Wall - Heat, Rain, Wind, Gap protection


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