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No Way Dude - It's Becoming a House!

Sunday 7 November 2010 - -

Today the treeswingers arrived at the wilder and were surprised to see the whole street packed with cars, with some parked on the grass. We had to park right at the bottom, there was a football match on, luckily they were just finishing as we entered the wilder - at about 11.50am.

We looked at our handy work from the previous night.

We ascended, Benniboy put on the harness and attached the rope to the centre branch on level 2. Nh started painting the new planks. We sawed off some protruding planks of the left side of the north wall. This then allowed Benniboy to easily climb outside. He attached himself to the harness - safety first.

We smashed off all the rubbish planks in the corner. Then used all the pieces we had cut off the planks for the south wall. Nh held then in place while Benniboy hammered them in with 65's. We put a good amount in, enough to hide behind. We were disturbed by a few muggles, tends to be a lot on Sunday's.

We decided to change the layout of the corner planks. We would turn it into just one wall, that extends the north wall. This will half the planks needed, plus the other branch would go out too far anyway.

We left it there and went for a pizza. Benniboy was worried about traffic, as he was having car trouble when he had to sit in traffic. So we went the papa john's way. Kept turning the engine off in traffic.

We parked in the free spaces and went to Tops. It was the friendly manager. We knew that we couldn't get the supersize deal because it was Sunday. But we asked the manager. Benniboy said "Is it possible for us to do the supersize deal?" He replied "Anything is possible." Then he had a think and then said "Ok." This was excellent service and impressed the treeswingboys.

We ordered bbq chicken and pepperoni passion - 15" £9.95. We then said we would be back in 10 mins. We deployed to the pound shop, there was a lot of pedestrian traffic -  it took us 10 mins just to get to the pound shop.

We entered, we found gloves, 2 lights, marker pens and a painting pallet, with rollers. We payed and deployed out, we had spent 7 mins in there. We got back to Tops, in around 25 mins in total. We asked for a bbq sauce, which should have cost 30p, but he gave it to us on the house -  we were truly impressed. We ate a few slices in the car, they were up to papa john's standard. We deployed back to the wilder.

As usual there were all the treeswingers at the shops. We ate the rest of the pizza, then entered the wilder.

We added some more to the corner wall, then we started painting it. While doing this some more muggles came. They were playing hide and seek, the dad said "Impressive." We finished painting the new corner planks. Benniboy climbed up to level 2 and then absailed down the south wall. We started painting this, Benniboy could hold the pallet and get the work done much quicker.

It was now about 4pm, we had done another good days work.

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