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Ali G Returns - Drifting and High Speed Sledging - Monsters

Wednesday 22 December 2010 - -

Today the 3rd treeswinger would join the treeswingers once again, to complete the triangle formation. Nh and Benniboy met at 1.40pm. The road outside the wilder was covered in snow, good for drifting and crashing. We parked in the middle and deployed to the treehouse. We climbed up knocking off snow on the way.

Level 1 was covered in a good layer of snow, just the north west corner was slightly less, as it was under roof and far from gaps. We quickly starting pushing the snow off. The boards like to stick to the snow and we had to scrape off the last bits with planks.

Benniboy went up to level 2, cleaned the steps on the way. Level 2 had about double the amount of snow, all the timber supplies were hidden in a blanket of white snow. Benniboy knocked off a good amount.

Then we decided o get to work. Benniboy was just harnessing out, when Ali G called. He was at the wilder, he was coming in. Benniboy harnessed outside the steps. We started putting in the lower planks for the last right bit of the steps. During this operation Benniboy say a treeswing coming from wembley -  it was the 3rd musketeer - Ali G.

He was imppressed by the size of the treehouse. He started climbing up, with a little instruction- he managed to get up. He liked the professionalism of the treehouse construction. We completed the lower gap. Benniboy quickly painted it. Ali G had a tour of the treehouse, he particularly liked the steps, as a watchtower.

Benniboy harnessed out on the south side. He sawed of a big branch. It fel below and got stuck. We then added a few planks, the gap is almost filled. We only have a few gaps on the steps, and the gap behind them to complete.

We left it at that, as was quite chilly. We went back to the cars. We drove the miata and the punto to the car park. It was covered in snow, was still quite sof snow, not compressed much, so quite sticky. We started drifting. There were 2 other cars from dog walkers, but they were at the end.

As Ali G's car was front wheel drive, he used the handbrake technique to get theback end out. He got some good speed up and performed some impressive drifts. Benniboy had Nh as a passenger. We did some nice long drifts. We watched Ali G, then he got stuck on the ramp, he had to slowly reverse.

Nh set a challenge of how many 360's we could do. Benniboy tried it in 1st gear, got about 180 then came to a stop. So he went in 2nd gear and then we managed to do a 720. Some dog walkers came past and were watching our great driving performances.

The dog walkers came back from the field so we parked up. We then got the football out, pumped it up. We played heads and volleys. It was different in the snow, the ball didn't bounce and stopped rolling quickly. Ali G ended up losing twice and gettingbum slaps. Benniboy lost once and Nh was safe.

We then did some competition. The loser woudl get snowballs thrown at them and the amount was based on the goal difference. Ali G ended up losing. Benniboy had 2 snowballs an Nh had 5.

Next we quickly filmed Ali G doing some drifting, but was quite dark. Nh and Benniboy went to the Co Op, we saw a treeswinger on the way. we parked in the middle again. We sat in the punto and ate dinner. Listened to some music and watched the Monsters trailer.

We got the sledges out and headed to the golf course. Benniboy was pushed to the steep slope, he went down quickly on the big red sledge. Next he tried the bum sledge. Nh then pushed Benniboy on the bum sledge, he went really fast, hit a bump and got some high air time, then crashed back down in pain.

We then went to the big slope. Nh and Ali G went in the big sledge vs Benniboy on a bum sledge. We started off parallel and were going the same speed, then suddenly the big sledge got a boost in speed and shot ahead.

We tried different combinations. The big sledge was the fastest - has the highest top speed, but took a little longer to get up to full speed. The bum sledges were fast at accelerating, but were limited by the top speed, they could probably get to about the same speed as the big sledge, but it was hard keeping the balance and staying at high speeds without spinning out.

When Ali g and Benniboy went on the big sledge we went down a little ditch and then flew off the sledge and crashed on the hard snow. Benniboy then found a snow jump on the other side. Benniboy went over a it a few times and got some good air.

We then went back to the cars. Nh was going to take Ali G to the cinema, so they dropped the punto at Park Street. We met at the cinema, the car park was very snowy.

We still had 30 mins, so went to Tesco's, but didn't get anything. We then went to Mcdonald's, got dinner. We saw a guy from school. We memorised the orange wednesday code. We then deployed to the cinema.

Ryan Delph was no where to be seen. We were served by Phil. He didn't ask for student id. Benniboy told him the code from memory, he was impressed. Benniboy covered the weirdness with a reason that we were at Mcdonalds and had nothing to do.

We were in screen 1, this was a small screen. We rated the film 8/10.

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