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Visit to Martin's - More East Wall Construction + Bum Sledges

Thursday 2 December 2010 - -

We met at Martins around 3.50pm. We carefully drive down his hill, which luckily had track marks, with no snow. We parked in the snow and set to work. A load of kids were outside his house, they went inside after we came.

We dismantled some crates then batches them up. Put some short ones in the miata and longer ones in the fiesta. We then retrieved the mega crate, that Martin had left out for us. It was dark now, we started hammering it in the middle of the street. it echoed loud, even when we wrapped a flag around the club.

We took just one big plank off it, then Benniboy told Martin's wife that we would get it on the weekend instead, to prevent noise pollution.She asked Benniboy what we wanted all the wood for, he replied "We're making a treehouse!" She was impressed and asked if she could see photos when it was finished. We snapped the big plank in half.

We then deployed to the widler. We saw a treeswinger as we turned in to the wilder road. We parked at the bottom. Got the batches out, tools and bum sledges - enter the snowy wilder. Some one had drawn a smiley face in the snow on the map board thing.

We got the batches up, level 1 had some snow coverage, mainly on the bits with no roof. It was nice and warm up the treehouse. We used the short planks to complete the lower left part of the East wall. We tried sawing an obstructing branch, but there was a nail, so we left for another time. We packed up and went to the golf course.

We ran up the big slope and sat on the bum sledges. We deployed, we had to push with our hands a bit. They were sliding well, just not too fast, had to get right balance. We had to make sure our shirts were tucked in, as snow builds up behind you. We went down one more time and them went towards the steep slope. 

Nh went down first, he shot down like a rocket, followed by Benniboy. The bum sledges were very effective here. Only problem is you feel every bump, but the slope didn't have much snow on it. We went again, on different parts of the slope. Nh fell off half way and spent half the journey down on his actual bum.

Benniboy tried going down on his knees but fell off immediately and rolled over, he heard a sound, but presumed it was the nails in his pocket. We left it at that and went back to the cars. 

Benniboy realised he didn't have his keys, and that noise must have been them falling out. Luckily he caught Nh just before he drove off. We went back and use the head light and Benniboy's phone to search for it. Bennniboy looked where he fell over and found the keys in the snow.

We exited a 2nd time and deployed home.

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