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East Wall Doubled Up - Tonne of Timber Up Treehouse

Sunday 5 December 2010 - -

We met at Martin's an hour later than planned, as Benniboy's car was blocked in the garage by the Meriva . Then Papa John insisted on loading the car, and having a coffee before he could move it. 

We arrived at Martin's and he was outside. We said hello and he said he had another big crate outback and he also offered to saw the long planks. We dismantled the mega crate in an efficient time. Hammered the protruding nails in and snapped the planks in half. We have a technique for snapping them now - Benniboy lifts the end while Nh stands in the middle and then he jump down on it. 

We then asked Martin to show us the second mega crate, he took us round the back and we saw a nice pile of planks as we walked over. He had a trampoline in his garden. This crate only had planks on one side so it was quicker. During the dismantle Nh accidentally stepped on a nail, it went into his foot. 

We carried the timber to the front. We snapped the long planks. Then wrapped a batch up in a flag, it just covered them. Martin left with his family, as we were trying tofit the timber in the Fiesta. We had to take some out of the batches and rearragne them. We cut some of the longer planks with the saw, while leaning the plank on the skip. We could see a box that had a picture of a lucury saw on it.

We eventuallt fitted all the timber in the fiesta and then put most of the structure parts in the miata. Left a couple of the really big ones. We deployed to Tesco. 

Parked in the main car park, was loads of spaces, as is Sunday. We had to use a far away ticket machine, as the close one was broken. Then we got our meal deals for £2. We ate in the Fiesta and then deployed to the wilder.

We parked around the corner, but at the bottom. There was a car in front that had a muggle in it. So we put some flags on top of the timber in the Fiesta. Then just took the tools and went to the treehouse.

Here are photos of when we arrived at the treehouse:

We found the empty paint tub on the ground and the red paint pallet too. These were both on level one and it was very unlikely the wind woul have been able to blow them to the 2 only gaps - the hatch or lower least wall corner. This mean someone must have been up the treehouse.

We ascended and Nh saw that one of the boars had been written on. Benniboy confirmed that it wasn't like that before. We need to complete the walls and add a secure hatch, to protect the treehouse from any muggle threats.

We still had 2 batches on level one. We sawed of the branch we left from last time, then left it stuck in the tree. Benniboy put on the harness and climbed down the outwe east wall. We hammer in some of the ends to the tree. Shoved to timber between the some planks and the tree,to remove a small gap, then nailed it with 100's. 

During this operation a treeswinger drove a mini moped into the wilder. He kept on driving back and forth from the lower entrance to the start of the main path. We don't think he saw us and we  weren't that worried as it was a lone treeswinger. He must have heard us hammering though.

Benniboy went lowered even more. Nh passed a long plank, it fir perfectly along 3 of the structures, leaving space for small planks on the end corners. The ends of the 65's from the inner wall sticked out a little allowing Benniboy to hammer the planks on with no nails. Then it's held in place for him to hammer 65's in. 

We had the whole batch up in no time. Added 2 more thick planks and had it half way up the wall. It was getting late and cold. So Benniboy climbed in through the small gap remaining in the bottom corner. We cleaned up level 1 and then descended. 

We went and got the structure planks from the miata, then put tools in the boot. We carried the heavy timber to the treehouse. Then took it up, one by one. We went back and got the rest of the timber from the Fiesta. There was a lot of timber. We quickly took it into the wilder, as there were muggles about.

We carried it to the treehouse, now in the dark. We got one batch up, then Benniboy wrapped up the remaining planks and ascended the rest up in a full up flag. We now have a lot of timber up the treehouse. We had just cleared level 1, now it is full again.

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