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Evidence of Treeswingers up Treehouse - Season of the Witch

Tuesday 11 January 2011 - -

Today the treeswingers went to the treehouse. It was about 4.45pm and already wuite dark. They walked to the treehouse and then Nh found a beer can at the base of the treehouse. We quickly ascended.

Nh gasped as he exclaimed there was some kind of foam mattress. We found 2 packs of doritos, part of a foxes biscuits wrapper. The mattress was a thin piece of foamy stuff, with one end slightly rolled, like a pillow.

As there was a lot of timber on level 2, we decided to build the structure below, before taking down the original floor.We got some structure planks from level 2. We drew a circle around the centre trunk to show where the floor will be.

It was dark and quite hard to get the structures in. We decided to leave it for daytime. As we knew people had been up the treehouse we felt unsafe and kept of hearing things.

Had a tramp been living in our treehouse, sleeping on the foam bed? Was it the 2 young treeswingers, eating doritos and biscuits? Was it Sonny or Zac having beers up the treehouse?

We deployed to the cinema. We went to mcdonalds, Benniboy got a chicken sandwich and Nh got an apple pie. We quickly went to Tesco's for some water.

Ryan was at the ticket checking area. We went into screen 8, this was a smaller screen. We rated the movie - Season of the Witch 7.4/10. Was enjoyable until the ending.

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