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Treehouse Guest - Very Good Days New Roof Structure Work - Geo - Papa

Sunday 16 January 2011 - -

Today Nh brought a guest to the wilderness - little Ben. We entered the wilder and took him to the treehouse, he had only seen pictures so when he saw it he was amazed at the height of it. He tried climbing, but the gaps were too big.

We put the harness on him, it had to go as tight as it could. Benniboy climbed up, then dropped the rope down, Nh attached it to the harness. A dog walker came, Nh said we had made most of it, except the base. Benniboy pulled little Ben up, as he wasn't that heavy could just pull the rope on it's own. He elevated up in a few seconds.

We showed him around the treehouse and told him level 2 was the bedroom. We got the structure plank for the 1st new roof structure. Now that it was daytime it was much easier to get it in. We got some more structure planks, nailed two together and did the next corner.

Little Ben hammered in a plank of approval with his name on it.

For the next branch we had to remove one of the inner planks. We placed wood on top of them to check if they were level. We hammered it in using a combination of 65's and 100's. We carefully placed them around the centre trunk, usaing all the tree.

We lowered little Ben so he knew what it was like to go down. He stayed at the base for a little while. We Put another structure in. We were then able to place the inner plank back. Little Ben came back up. We added another structure in the north east corner. Benniboy had to lay on level 2 and hammer from above to get the nail in.

We added a final structure to the south east corner. Had to saw the plank to make it fit inside the walls. We then lowered little Ben.

The new roof structure is very professional and all level. None of them overlap and they are evenly spread out. It is much stronger and level than the old roof. The lowered height is much better and will extend some of the walls to level 2.

We descended and went back to the cars. We went in the fiesta to a local geocache. We had muggled this one before but they had changed the location as it was sabotaged.

We went to the old location and couldn't find it. We checked the site and worked out it was in a completely different area. We eventually found out that it was in a wilder across the road. We looked around for a while, but couldn't find it, we admitted defeat.

We decided to get a papa. Benniboy phoned and asked for Bablu, but he wasn't there. We ended up getting a XL bbq chicken and papa's favourite - we saved £7, so still a good deal, XXL would have been £18.50. We were served by the same guy as when Bablu was there. He gave us 3 pizza sauces, he obviously recognised us and knew we were special customers.

We ate the pizza straight away. Then dropped Benniboy back at the wilder. We deployed home after a good days wilder work.

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