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Half Level 2 Walls Up - with nice coat of paint

Monday 21 February 2011 - -

The treeswingers entered the wilder at 1.45pm. We clambered up the treehouse, it had been a week since the last wilder studies. Nh noticed that some mdf was in a different place, he thought someone must have been on level 2. Then Benniboy came up and said that he had moved it from the last wilder study, so it looked like no one had been up the treehouse.

We continued the corner of the north wall. We sawed a branch off first. Then quickly got it up to a good height.

Next we added a side structure to the west wall, and started the right side of it.

The planks overlapped nicely, making them stronger. Both sides have no gaps too. 

Sometime when we were doing the wall, a grandad and his 2 grand children came along. We hid in level 1. The grandad said "I wonder if anyone is home?" "doesn't look like it." They might have heard us hammering, or maybe seen us. Or maybe he wasn't bening sarcastic and thought no one was home.

We then started the east wall.

We had run out of the standard size planks, so we finished it there. We added a support structure to the mdf flooring in the north east corner. We then went to town.

We went to the pound shop, bought some more gloves, two 6" paint brushes, 50ml nails and 40 bin bags. We went to subway and got the sub of the day - chicken tikka. We both got 3 cookies too. We then checked out the new 99p store, that was right next door to the pound shop - it seemed pretty much the same.

We deployed back to the wilder. We used the 50ml nails to hammer the mdf in. We then started painting.

Benniboy absailed outside the west wall. With the 6" brushes we could paint to planks at a time, the wall was painted in a record time. Nh had painted the south inner walls. We started painting the rest of the inner walls. We finished painting and deployed home.

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