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True Laziness

Monday 21 February 2011 - -

Today the Treeswingboys were pushed for time so we didn't have time to visit the wilderness, so instead we decided to just go to the cinema. True Grit was the film of choice, a classic remake and one of Nh's top picks of films having played the similar game of Red Dead Redemption.

Nh arrived at the cinema and phoned Benniboy, who had not even left yet, despite the time being 6;20 and the film started at 6:30. Benniboy said he would be leaving so in the mean time, Nh went over to Tesco and bought 2 packets of cookies for 64p each. Once he retured we quickly headed to Mcdonalds and Nh got a cherry Pie before departing to the cinema. We used the orange wednesday code and Benniboy asked for middle seats.

Little did we know that AliG was also seeing True Grit on the same day. We were all very impressed and it currently is the number 1 rank film of 2011. However with a wave of new releases on the horizon, it will face stiff competiton if it wishes to remain the number 1 film of 2011.

So far the current rankings are as followed:

1. True Grit - 9/10
2. Sanctum 3D - 8/10
3. Season of the Witch - 7.4/10
4. 127 Hours - 7/10

We appologise for the date of those blog posted, a certain picker ricker couldn't be bothered to publish it.

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