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Level 3 On Its Way - Best Treehouse Compliment

Saturday 12 February 2011 - -

The treeswingers went to the wilder around 11.50am. We went straight to level 2. Opened up the large batch and got some nice structures out. We measured the height, marked with the blue pen on the other branches.

This roof would be lower and we should save another 10% on wall height, after we saved 20% on lowering the floor. We got them up very quickly, a lot easier to reach and had a nice floor to stand on.

During this operation we were seen by a muggle family. They came over and asked if we made it, then the woman thought we might live up it. The man said upwards and on, and we heard him say we could do another one in the tree next to it. They gave us some of the best compliments - "your very creative, that's amazing, I love it".

We had added a good amount of structures to the south side.

We added a long structure to the north side. We added 2 side structures to the west wall. They will also help suppor the level 3 floor. Benniboy went on level 3 and it looked very big (as the tree expands), and very high.

We went down to level 1. Nh dropped the club down and it managed to bounce from the north east to the middle and down the gap. Benniboy went and retrieved it. We added some more support structures to the floor above, as some of the mdf pieces needed more support. During this Benniboy managed to drop the club through a gap to, he went and got it back again.

We added a few more planks to the north wall and the left north corner. We got some mdf, cut it in half and added it to a gap in the north east floor.

We then left it at that, it was around 2.45pm.

We went back to the cars which were parked at the top. There was a rugby match on and the car park was packed. Some of the goals had been changed to rugby goalposts. When we were just leaving, we saw Zak. He was walking up and just about to turn into Martin's road. He probably saw us both - is he back from Uni, has he quit?!

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