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Police Enter Wilder

Saturday 2 April 2011 - -

We took all the tools to the treehouse. Benniboy unlocked it and we went to level 2. We added some planks to the north corner and re-finished the west wall. We then decided to go and buy a saw.

As we were leaving a family came. We went to wembley and watched. One of them climbed up and then said there's a hatch. We went over and said we could unlock it for them. The son came up, he looked a little older than us, his name was Matt. He climbed up easily. He was impressed. We told them about the vandals, they thought is was bad that people had destroyed it. 

We went to Wilkos and got a small hacksaw for £3.96. Nh got a Subway. We deployed back to the wilder. Took the new saw up the treehouse. It cut through a structure very nicely, the speed and quality of the cut was very good.

We started to create a frame for a level 2 hatch. With a hatch on top of the steps, we could protect one level of the treehouse, if they manage to breach the other.

We used up the last of our structure planks. We hammered them in and had a square frame. The board fit on it nicely. We were about to start making the frame for the hinges, when Nh said there were police in the wilder!

We ducked down on level 2. They came up to the treehouse. One of them shouted up. Benniboy said "hi" and they asked how many people were up the treehouse. They asked us to come down. They said we weren't in trouble.

We came down. It was a older woman and a young guy. The guy seemed very eager to climb the treehouse, but he said it probably wasn't a good idea in his uniform. The woman took a picture of the treehouse. They said that they had received a called from a local, concerned about kids going under the treehouse and getting hurt.

They said we didn't have to take it down for the moment. They said that if the locals all started complaining, we would have to take it down. They advised us to get permission from the Lord.

They thought we were under 18 and were going to take us back to our parents. As were are adults they just deal directly with us. We had to give them our name, number and address. The guy said if it had to be taken down, we should take the timber and built a treehouse where no one goes.

We will have to call the Lord's personal assistant. It is likely they won't give us permission and we will have to take it down. The wilderness witch said that some other treeswingers had made a treehouse and had to take it down, but they were kids.

We stopped progression on the treehouse, we will see what happens on Monday...

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