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Quiet before the storm

Sunday 3 April 2011 - -

The treeswingers met at around 11:45, knowing that this could be one of the last ever wilder studies. We decided that the main focus should be to tidy up the Treehouse and present it as best as possible. However with the second hatch so nearly finished, we decided that we would finish it regardless.

The hatch turned out very professional and has stronger hinges but a weaker lock, but overall does it's job of adding further security to the Treehouse.

Afterwards Benniboy harnessed down and painted the lower south planks which had been left for a while, making it less visable to dog walkers.

Unfortunately we don't know what the fate of the Treehouse will be, we should have a better idea tomorrow, but until we do know, all we can continue to do is improve the outlook of the Treehouse. The north wall is next on the agenda, once that has been repaired and painted and planks have been sawn to the correct size, we will have currently finished progressing the Treehouse, until further notice.

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