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Treeswingers Search for New Wilderness

Tuesday 10 May 2011 - -

Benniboy came back from uni and picked nh up at around 4.50pm. We headed to Nomansland. We stopped off at the original wilder, to check the treehouse remains in the daylight.

The base was covered in black ash and the remains of some structure planks. Nh climbed up and he could see that all the tree had been burnt, with loads of nails sticking out up the branches. The two main tree beams, that created the base of the treehouse, had been burnt to thin sticks. The hatch frame was still intact and some of the steps wall planks were visible.

We deployed to Nomansland. We parked as though we had timber to carry in, so instead of going in the car park we went down the lane and parked at the side of the wilder. We entered and straight away we saw some stick huts. There were loads all around.

We went further into the wilder, it wasn't very big, quite open. The trees weren't the right type and weren't very high. We went to the treeswing. There was a big hut at the bottom. The hut looked professional, just didn't have a very high ceiling.

There was a big, heavy tyre. The treeswing seems weak. We went to the other side of the wilder. Then found another hut.

We found out that the wilder was owned by the council. It was well kept and there was a byelaws sign. It stated that you couldn't climb trees, camp, litter, etc. Nomansland didn't seem like a good place for the next treehouse. It was far away and then it didn't have the right wilder facilities.

We deployed back to Park Street. We checked out a wilder near the wreck. We parked down a small lane. We went into the wilder and found the old house and shelter.

There were cans of cider and a pc gamer cd in the shelter. There were 2 burnt cars.

We looked around the wilder a bit more and found a perfect tree, that was in deep, but no so much it would be far to get timber to.

We then checked the swamp/pond. It was quite low.

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