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New Treehouse Under Construction

Thursday 12 May 2011 - -

The treeswingers went to Martin's at 3.30pm. He had 2 big crates. We dismantled them with only a couple of snaps. The planks were very long and needed snapping in half. We got a load of good quality structure planks from them too.

Martin came out and we told him about the destruction of the original treehouse. He said "Bastards". He told us he had a load of structure planks around the back.

We packed up all the timber. Then checked out the planks around the back. They were good quality planks, they just needed cutting to size. Martin was happy to do this, instead of pay £250 for another skip.

We deployed to the new wilder. We both went down the small lane and parked up. We went and lookedat the tree. We worked out a way of building steps.

We got some structures out. But then a load of people came and a van stopped in the lane. The van seemed to be looking in the Fiesta, at all the timber in the back. They then drove up to the house and backed into it. We then deployed, as we went in a dog walker came out. He saw us with the timber.

We added a stick step to the tree. Then a structure step. We tried cutting a structure in half, but the saw seemed quite blunt. We just added the planks and would cut it later. We then added one more plank.

Benniboy could now get up to just below the place where the treehouse would start. We went back to the cars to get the rest of the timber - we would hide it in the wilder.

We had another encounter with a muggle. We then were able to get the timber out and walk around the back path. We hid the timber in a bit off the path. We went and got the rest of the timber. Then placed a corregated piece of metal and some concrete blocks over the wood.

We followed the path a bit further and came to a field, it looked like there was a garden centre. The wilder seemed so go quite far back. We turned around and went back to the tree. We hid a couple of planks we had left.

Then the dalmation dog came again, closely followed by the woman. We were in the same place she had seen us yestereday. She must have wondered what we were doing, don't think she noticed the steps.

We took a picture. Then deployed home.

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