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Saplin under seige - Pirates of the carribean 4 - Fast 5

Wednesday 1 June 2011 - -

The treeswingers decided to check the wilderness, before going to the cinema, as we hadn't paid it a visit for a while. We went straight to the treehouse. It was still the same, all burnt - with black ashes surrounding the base.

We went to wembley it was the same, with the goal stil snapped. 

We went to the treewings and there were some junior treeswingers attempting to swing. We went round them and towards the sapling castle. We approached it and to our surprise there was timber on the floor.

The treeswingers had attacked again. They had thrown all the loose timber down and some attatched pieces too. 

We picked up the big bits of timber and took them to the chalk quarry. We pile them up and hid some of the big fence panels in the ditch next to it. We can use this timber for creating a new treehouse. There is also a good base still up the sapling castle, that we could remove easily.

We went to the treeswings. Someone had wrote "hi" on the board. There were no treeswings in the main area. We went to the single treeswing and the annoying trees had been cut down.

It was the two trees that had been burnt at the bases, now they had finally been cut down. This made swinging much better and it is a lot harder for anyone to get the treeswing stuck up in a tree now. We tested it out, it was much better. We go some high swings.

We then had to deploy to get to the cinema. On the way out we saw some hand prints, in white on a tree.

We saw Pirates of the caribbean 4. We rated it 9/10. It was the best of the series. 

We then went to Tesco and got some food. We sat in the car for a hour or so, then went back to get the tickets for the hangover 2. There were loads of people in the cinema now, as it was half term. We were told the hangover 2 had sold out. So we got the tickets for fast and furious 5 instead. This was on in another hour.

We went back to the car. We were gonna go find a field to play football. Then we checked out a voice changer app and combined it with prank calls. Benniboy would record a funny message on his phone using the voice changer and then would send it to Nh's phone via bluetooth. Then benniboy called the victim and nh played the message.

We called Dean's house and got the answer phone. We left a message saying "hello, is that dean, hello" which had an echo efffect on it. Then we tried calling Ali g, but is was voicemail. So we sent him a couple of messages, warning him about the sapling castle.

Then it was time for the film. It looked like all the staff has changed, except for the guy checking the tickets. We gave Fast 5 a score of 8/10. Best out of the 5.

1. Battle: Los Angeles - 9.3/10
2. The Fighter - 9.2/10
3. True Grit - 9.1/10

4. Pirates of the caribbean 4 - 9/10
5. Paul - 8.9/10
6. Fast and furious 5 - 8/10
7. The Eagle - 7.9/10
8. Your Highness - 7.8/10

9. Sanctum 3D - 7.7/10
10. Just Go With it - 7.6/10

11. Season Of The Witch - 7.4/10
12. 127 Hours - 7/10
13. The King's Speech - 6/10

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