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Geomuggle time

Sunday 15 January 2012 - -

"Muggle (verb.) = The act of destroying or vandalising a Geocache, usually with a liquid substance such as Papa John's Garlic." Treeswingboys Definitions.

Today we would be revisiting an old tradition: geo-muggling. It has been over a year since we last performed this devious act. This would allow the geocache society to calm down a bit and forget about the dreadful muggles we had previously performed.

We searched for caches near the school, the first one that came up was "Trickier toy box". It was a geocache in the wilderness! This was a reborn cache that has been made trickier to find, due to the previous one they made being vandalised 3 times. They have made it so that the coordinates on the geocache site don't lead directly to the cache itself, but another location containing an encoded set of coordinates for the actual cache.

We drove to the location, which was a sign on the fence of the playground at the bottom of the wilderness. We took a picture of the sign and then tried to work out the code. We had an idea that it was the letters in the sign and there positions equal the numbers, but it didn't quite work.

We gave up and searched for another nearby geocache. There was a Veralamium Park cache. We drove to the location and search for it. Nh noticed the trademark twig piles they use to hide caches. There it was under the twigs. The box had brown leaves glued all over it for camouflage.

We took it back to the car and looked at the goodies inside. Nh took 3 mini pencils and a mini pen. We then proceeded to place 50 empty nitrous chargers in the bottom of the tub. Nh then poured rancid/gone off domino's garlic on top. He then put in some spicy smelling tabasco sauce. We sealed the lid and placed it in it's hidden location.

We deployed back to the wilder car park. Nh wanted to do 10 laughing gases. We did them in the Miata. Benniboy filled up the balloon for Nh. 15 minutes later he had used all 10. Nh expressed his interest in trying some 60x salvia. We disposed of the laughing gas chargers and deployed home.

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