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The sitter - Treeswing antics

Saturday 28 January 2012 - -

The treeswingboys saw the first official film of 2012 - The Sitter, on Tuesday. We had seen "The Darkest Hour" online, this was the first non cinema movie. We did some laughing gas before watching it and after too.

We had been to the treeswings and were trimming the branches blocking the treeswing branch. While performing the tree trimming we managed to get the claw stuck in a Y shape tree. After countless strategies and tugging we couldn't get it down. It was like it had glued itself to the tree.

We came on the weekend. On the way to the treeswing area we saw a man sawing a log, he was a proper tree surgeon. We then came across some thin rope tied to trees in a circles around a tree in the middle with a 49 write on it in green pen. It looked like the tree surgeon had marked it for cutting down.

The rope and claw were still there. We used the pliers to cut off the rope attached to the stuck claw. As thee were a lot of muggles and the tree surgeon we deployed back to the car. We looked up the heath cache and went to find it.

We turned on the compass on the app. It didn't seem to work. After walking around for 10 minutes it got an accuracy of 25m at best, so it was impossibly to find the cache actual location. We went down town and got some treeswing supplies. We got some gloves from the pound shop, 4 pairs of regular gloves and 1 pair of extra grippy gloves.

We went back to the treeswing. We continued to trim branches. Then as usual we got another thing stuck up a tree, this time it was the volleyball.

We eventually got it back down, by basically snapping the branch it was attached to. We then got down a few more branches. Near the end we used the club to throw the blue rope up, then of course we got the club stuck. We tried getting it down, it was dark and we were tired. We hid the rope and left it till tomorrow.

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