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Further Treeswing Development - Geocach Fail

Sunday 12 February 2012 - -

Due to the snowy weather conditions the treeswingboys had neglected the treeswing work for a little while.

Here are some pics of the treeswingboys sledging. (from a point of view):

As you can see there was quite a lot of vibration and camera shake due to the high speed turbulence created  from our fast runs down the slope.

Today they were back at it. With the first throw of the rugby ball it went over, right over with the string too. If we hadn't been in such shock of the quick achievement we may have caught it before it pulled all the string back down.

We threw it up a few more times, not quite getting it in the right position. Then it got stuck in a branch behind. The string snapped and the rugby ball fell a little, then got stuck.

We got the blue rope and threw it over the tree, but ended up getting it over the tree in front. We managed to pull it all the way down to the ground, it was really bouncy. You could swing on it and bounce back up like a bungee cord. We tied it down to a nearby tree. Then snapped some of the branches.

We had a rest. Then both treeswingboys pulled on the end. We had to put both our weight on it to stop it from shooting back up. Nh was just saying that it will get to a snapping point soon.  SNAP! It cracked off completely about half way up the main trunk.

Then a muggle came so we deployed. We looked at the golf slope, it was still snowy and had a few people sledging on it. We walked past the treehouse. It had the green markings on it, a number 55 and a slash on each trunk.

We went back to the treeswing, collected the rope and camouflaged the snapped branch within the others at the bottom. We went back to the car to look for a geocach.

Nh had a new phone app that was recommended by all the geocachers that used it, they thought highly of it and said it was even better than the £6 official app. Nh looked up the heath cache, as we have attempted to find this cache a few times now. It located it and showed the compass. 

We drove to the location and the compass updated. We then followed the compass into the wilderness. It seemed to lag a bit and wouldn't point us in the right direction. We got to one place that was within 8m and then the compass said we were 30m out. It kept on changing. It looked like it couldn't track our location properly, just like the official app.

We searched for a while but couldn't find anything. We decided to test the app and put it on the trickier cache, as we knew where it should take us. We went to the location and it said we were 100m away and it was in the opposite direction. It then said we were 1.5km away. It didn't want to work.

We gave up and called it a day. We will have to get rid of the 130+ chargers, vinegar and salsa another day.

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