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Geo-muggles, many geo-muggles

Saturday 18 February 2012 - -

The treeswingboys have been working on the treeswing but haven't been progressing very well. A few more branches have been trimmed. We got the volleyball stuck for good this time, after a few days of wind and shaking from us it still hasn't fallen from the grasp of the twig like branch.

We have also been spending some recreational time searching for geocaches. This outdoors sport has proven to be a nice supplement to the wilder studies work. With the added use of the geocache phone app, it has been a breeze finding new caches whenever we choose. There have been some bugs and inaccurate readings from the app, but compared the previous method we used this is much better.

On Tuesday we looked up a local cache. Upon arrival at the location we realised it was not a large container but smaller than a micro cache, it was so small it was off the scale. It was hidden on a bicycle sign in a bridleway. We took a little while to find it, but eventually succeeded.

It was really small, it could barely fit a log in it. We went to a local Tesco and bought some chewing gum. We then managed to put a whole chewed gum in place of the log. It screwed closed tightly squishing the gum inside. That was it for the day's caches.

We aimed to see "Warhorse" on Wednesday. We were just going to the ticket till and then realised we hadn't got the orange Wednesday code. The orange app wouldn't work and we weren't going to pay full price for the tickets. We also didn't want to waste the journey. We decided to look up a local cache.

To our surprise there was one in the cinema car park. We couldn't get a good location tracked to it, so we went to another nearby cache. This cache was in a car park, it was supposed to be a big container and possess a geobug.

We parked in the car park in the exact same parking space as the car that was on the gps map. We then set out to find the cache. We looked 3 times and couldn't find it. It was about 10pm and there were still a few cars in the car park. Some muggles came back to their cars. Then some treeswingers drove in and looked like they were smoking a spliff.

We were about to leave, however the treeswingers started to deploy. We waited till they left then had another look. We took into account that a comment had said the location was out by 18 ft and the hint said "be quick so you don't have to pay and display". We were parked right in front of a pay and display sign. Turns out the cache was directly behind the sign in a bush.

It was a big container, with barely anything in it. It had the geobug/tag it in and the logbook. We added about 50 chargers, 3/4 bottle vinegar and half a pot of salsa. It was a nasty concoction. It was heavy and smelly.

We then deployed back to the cinema. We tried to find the cache in the car park, but it wasn't our day. We left it at that.

On Thursday we finally saw "Warhorse". It was long and wasn't the usual movie we would watch, but it was a very good film. It places at the number 1 spot. We rated it at 9.3. It had 2 references to No man's land and a treeswing. During this excursion we bought some pickled onions, spaghetti and custard from Tesco.

On Saturday we tried a new method at getting the treeswing up, as the throwing of string and thread wasn't working too well. Benniboy climbed up the treeswing tree and attached himself with the harness and rope. He could then throw the string from a closer location.

We had some string length problems and by the time we had a long enough piece it was dark and the string kept on getting tangled. We left the string up the tree for next time.

We searched for a geocache, we found the next cache in the No man's land area. It was located at the side of a small country road. We had to park on a random patch inbetween two roads. It was dark and dangerous now. We walked carefully down the road and looked out for headlights. A car came past from behind and the stopped. It's reverse lights came on and it came all the way back to us. The door opened and a guy shouted out "Do you want a lift? You're gonna get f*cking killed out here". We politely declined and he left. 

We had to check and go back to the car a few times. We were just about to give up, when Nh found it. We sprinted back and looked inside the cache. It wasn't very big, had a shell, some barbie badge and a sheep toy. We kept the sheep and replaced everything with 5 chargers and some pickled onion water.

We did a drive by cache replacement. Benniboy chucked it out his window, but almost fell on the road. On the return drive past, Nh opened his door and chucked it in a hole. 

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