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Treeswingers Setting Fire to Wilderness!! - Tron Legacy

Wednesday 29 December 2010 - -

We all met at the wilder around 6pm. It was very foggy and wet in the wilder.We found our way to the treehouse. We ascended.

Benniboy harnessed up and went outside the north wall. We added some more planks to the right north corner. We had to saw a little branch off, so we could complete the upper parts. Benniboy went up to level 2 and added some more planks. One dropped, and is still there now.

Nh said "shhh!" He could hear something. We all went silent, we turned all the lights off. We coudl just hear the rain droppin on the ground. We tried adding some planks to the left corner.

Then we heard something again. We decided to pack up and go to the cinema. We talked quite loudly while packing up. Nh then descended. When he was half way down he said he could see a shadow figure, about 10m from the treehouse base.

We all descended. Then as we were walking back, we saw an orange light. We then realised it was a fire, just on the golf course. Nh and Ali G went to it, while Benniboy stayed back with the tools. Benniboy came over. There was no one there, just a coat burning.

Benniboy put mos of it out with his water, but ran out. It seemed to light up a bit again, but as it was so wet in the wilder, it shouldn't start a forest fire.

We went back to the cars. Benniboy dropped Ali G off at his car in the car park. We went to Park Street. Then Ali G and Benniboy went to the cinema in the miata. Nh bought the tickets.

We made it in time, still had a few adverts before the film started. We rated it 8. The 3d wasn't very effective as usual and the price was extrmely high - £24. You cud go to 5 films with 2 people for that.

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