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Level 2 Coming Along Well - All Walls Safety Fitted

Sunday 6 February 2011 - -

The treeswingers arived at the wilder around 12.45pm, all the footballers had gone home, allowing the treeswingboys to park at the top. We entered the wilder from the top entrance and walked to the treehouse, it was nice and dry, but very windy.

Level 1 still had a high amount of timber filling it up. Some of the big pieces had damaged the internal walls. They wind must have moved them about a bit and caused them to slowly dig in and scrape some of the planks, one plank had snapped. The tope step had broken, the nail had snapped off under the movement caused by the strong wind.

We cut the protruding board at the steps.

We got all the good timber pieces and put them on level 2. We then added to the left side of the steps. We used thick planks, the wall was at the same height as the right side in no time.

We then removed some of the structure planks from the south area. We took some slanted planks from the south wall and put them back in sealing the top of level 1 and starting the wall for level 2. We got this up to a good safety height.

Next we got a fence panel and cut it to fit under the west floor. We added a small fence plank on to it, this supported the floor above.

We then hammered in the lower structure planks on the west wall. We used 100's on both sides, to make it secure.

We went over to the east side. We decided to use the super long fence panel for the middle structure. It fit across the west and all the way to the east south. This gave us a safety banister for the south east gap too. We added 3 structures to the fence panel.

We then added another fence panel above this. Nailed 2 structures into it.

It was around 4.15pm, we packed up and took some pictures and video.

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